• How Not To (and Just Possibly How To) Build Peace in the Middle East

    They say there’s a special type of peacefulness preceding storms. That felt true of the atmosphere in Israel and Palestine during the spring and summer of 2000.

  • Killer Application: The Surprising Correlation Between Engineering Education and Terrorism

    It’s not that terrorists are desperate for tech-talent, it’s that engineering education breeds the type of mindset that’s conducive to extremism.

  • The Battle of the Elms and the End of Swedish Technocracy

    The word ‘politics’ has no real meaning in a technocracy. All that counts is skilful execution of ideas, which in and of themselves were fundamentally self-evident.

  • Not Deployed Here

    In startup parlance, one could say that America is failing to capture enough of the value it creates.

  • Back To Business

    At its core, the Swedish political project has always been an optimistic one. Regardless of what party that ruled the country, our leaders seem to have shared a deeply held belief that we can handle whatever challenges we’re facing and that in the long run we’re making good progress.

  • How To Pick A Party

    When I go to cast my vote a few days from now, I feel confident that I’m backing the right horse. That’s thanks to something I learned during many years of recruiting tech talent.

  • First Principle Politics

    No amount of innovation will save the world from climate change, unless politicians across the ideological spectrum also do their part.

  • Something Big is About to Happen, and Apple Won’t Like It One Bit

    Apple’s renowned “user friendliness” comes at a price, or at least that’s what Apple likes us to believe.

  • The Cost of Optimism

    I recently read two novels about gay men in the midst of the AIDS epidemic. Their reluctance to take the test reminds me of my own feelings with regards to global warming.

  • Stockholm We Have a Problem

    Sweden has become a unicorn factory and programming is one of the most common occupations, but successful IT-projects are rare outside of the private sector.

  • The Price of Change

    What would happen if instead of encouraging people with subtle queues, you’d simply pay them cash?