A Conversation With Guido Tonelli
Guido Tonelli is an author and an experimental physicist. His team at CERN was instrumental in the discovery of the Higgs boson.
Stockholm Swinging : A Love Affair with My Adopted City
A city is swinging when the people living in it feel that they’re making it what it is.
Love, Math & Witchcraft: How Roasting Psychoanalysis Came Back to Bite Richard Feynman
The further we zoom in on Mother Nature, the clearer it becomes that, at its most fundamental level, science resembles ‘witch-doctoring’ more than anything else.
Non-Commutative Reading Order : When Books Speak to Each Other Across Time
It’s fascinating how books aren’t mere repositories of information. That the order in which you encounter them actually dictates how your understanding evolves.
Quantum Bootcamp
Sweden has been lagging badly behind when it comes to quantum tech. Most of the funding has been provided by private players and there’s been no national strategy. That’s starting to change now.
How Not To (and Just Possibly How To) Build Peace in the Middle East
They say there’s a special type of peacefulness preceding storms. That felt true of the atmosphere in Israel and Palestine during the spring and summer of 2000.
Killer Application: The Surprising Correlation Between Engineering Education and Terrorism
It’s not that terrorists are desperate for tech-talent, it’s that engineering education breeds the type of mindset that’s conducive to extremism.
A Personal Journey Towards Extended Intelligence, or: Getting Intimate With Chet
I’ve come to allow “Chet” entry to my most private quarters.
Talking Shop
Talking shop is fine, but integrating the wider world into your shop-talk is even better.
Quarks, Gluons & Jabberwocks : On Aptonyms and Nonce Words
It’s a very human tendency to conflate representations with reality. We are, after all, symbol-processing machines.
Sad Swede, Happy Swede
Swedish novelists feel bad about life. Meanwhile the rest of the population seem to be doing quite alright.
The Curse of Completism : Confessions of a Compulsive Collector
Completism comes in many shapes and forms. It doesn’t necessarily have to manifest in a physical collection, but can also translate into a more generalised ambition to ‘take it all the way’.
Imperfectly Understanding Quantum Discord
When forced to simplify, some experts explain discord as a measurement of a certain system’s “quantumness”
The Battle of the Elms and the End of Swedish Technocracy
The word ‘politics’ has no real meaning in a technocracy. All that counts is skilful execution of ideas, which in and of themselves were fundamentally self-evident.
Show Me Your Canon And I’ll Tell You Who You Are
What we’re left with in a post-canonical world, is lists. Lists reflect their creator’s point of view in ways that make for great conversation starters.